Wednesday, April 25, 2007

so that thread

The thread that, basically, got me interested in making this blog, is here. I am not sure if my inability to keep attempting conversation in it is due to severe worldview incompatibility or the fact that the last time I slept was thirty hours ago. I would appreciate feedback on whether I'm totally irrational right now. There's also a very large amount of great food for thought, in fact enough to deserve a couple of posts, rather than an attempt to keep up a dialogue that can't hope to address all the points raised. But then I have this problem with the majority of blog comment back-and-forths ;)

Shit, and I was hoping to sleep. Between this and a personal issue I'm full of adrenaline...


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to your thoughts. You're right about the trouble withdiscussions via blog comments. After the first dozen or so comments, repetition and tangential thoughts make the discussion hard to follow.

Get some sleep and then gossip about the personal issues : )

Allie said...

Ugh, these are personal issues I wish would just go away -- basically, there's a person who used to make my life harder than it needed to be, and two years later I'm still having a hard time disentangling myself, from the bad habits I used when she was around, and to keep myself from thinking about her and all the accompanying baggage and making myowndamnself miserable about it.

I'm starting to think that naming a rock after this person and heaving it ho off a cliff might work better than the last time I did that getting-rid-of-your issues shtick, just because I'm running out of other ways to help myself.

Eavan Moore said...

Although it's more wasteful and violent, I bet it would be fun to write their name on a mirror and smash it.